Jennifer's Story: Rough Diamond Ring

"I decided to commission my ring to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. When we got engaged, we couldn’t afford an engagement ring… we had just taken on a big mortgage and that took priority.

My husband is from Sri Lanka, and it’s often tradition there to give gold jewellery to the couple for their wedding day. The jewellery that we were gifted sat in a jewellery box for 25 years, and so we decided that it would be nice to have it re-made as an anniversary ring. I chose to have the ring cast in sand from Sri Lanka and Cornwall, which is a mixture of our heritages.

I decided to choose a diamond to go with the gold as that is often traditional for an engagement ring, however, I like chunky rings and I love the look of rough diamonds and so that seemed appropriate for me.

The process of commissioning was really exciting. I visited the workshop to choose the diamond (I saw that they came in different colours and so chose the colour that I liked best) and have my finger sized, but after that it was mostly done via images sent over emails.

I had an idea of how I wanted the ring to look, and Justin realised that perfectly for me. I love that my ring is totally unique and personal to my husband and me, and I wear it nearly all the time."

If, like Jennifer, you would like to commission a ring do get in touch. You may also like to read our post on how to design or choose a ring from home here. Or you can book an appointment to visit us at our workshop and discuss ideas and options in person.